Hindi Watch Online The Breakfast Club

Hindi Watch Online The Breakfast Club




Molly Ringwald

genres Drama

release Date 1985

country USA

Info Five high school students meet in Saturday detention and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought





Pause its two days later, someone getting fired lol ??. Angela yee looked lost when they were singing Jefferson ????. Gotta love the YT captions “Ion want people saying stuff that aint Trudeau”. I only came here for the comments ??.

Gold in Africa? Somebody should give this girl a job in wall street. I cant fux with Drink Champs, Nore be spittin when he talks and constantly interrupts the guest while they talking, SMH. These comments is wild, its like did yall even watch? Did yall even hear what shawty had to say it literally wasnt bad at all. Barack Obama ??????‍??. That sandwich is PURE sugar. ??????. “Well Brian, this is a very nutritious lunch”. Shes ugly but she does good lesbian flicks so I watch from time to time.????‍??????. Look beyond the blonde hair, wigs, eyelashes and their crimes that were committed, listen intensely to Aisha and Jamila, did you really listen. They were making huge amounts of money through ways that many wealthy white people do but were punished so harshly. Their sentences did not match their crimes, 12 and 10.5 years! They didn"t kill anyone and everyone involved were willing participants, no one was hurt. Some murderers and child molesters don"t receive such sentences. They have the intelligence to run and Fortune 500 Company. For all of you people that are insulting these women, please relisten, you may have a different perspective, maybe you"ll hear something that you didn"t hear the 1st time when you were too busy judging some of their appearances and your prejudgment. These conversations are needed.???.

I thought this was donkey of the day ??.
Yee, envy and char are the Enemy, this man is talking about being Low key and positive and all they do is ask him Negative Questions. They suck as people foreal.
This is part of the list of Greatest Movies Ever Made. A movie where you"re entertained even though there"s no explosions, no gore, no CGI of any kind. Just actors and actresses being simple teens in detention. Here we are now in 2020 and this movie still has a major hold on us. I dare any director to try and make a movie that can hold our attention as this one can now.
Why aren"t they parents of the minors being charged.
All the food groups are represented Andrew"s lunch: Am I a joke to you.

1:04 the man in the back in yellow dont that look like Kobe. Love me some Sara Jay. You switched up the contract thats why you were in prison. Everyone yelling I"m not trying to tell anyone how to raise their kids but. bro that"s people taking the easy way out and not stating how they really feel.

Every time I watch this, I expect Allison to spit her Coke into her sandwich for some reason. I"m always glad she doesn"t. Honey, you were legit ticking and rocking in an interview, from what appeared to be a withdrawal. But hope you really get help if you havent. It is. I mean look at him. He broke those people down, including the teacher without even trying. lol Bender"s got a lot of potential and power.